Carranza Roofing & Remodeling is happy to celebrate 20 years in business! Thank you to all our clients!

Three things will last forever- faith, hope, and love

and the greatest of these is love.

– 1 Corinthians 13:13

Signs It’s Time to Renovate Your Delaware County Property – Delaware County

Renovating your home can be demanding of your time and your bank account. When do you know it’s the right time to have your property renovated? Carranza Roofing & Remodeling does interior and exterior remodeling. We’ve been in business and serving Delaware County since 2003. There are a ton of benefits to renovating your home. One of the first signs that you need to renovate your home is your floors. It’s time to get your floors renovated when your floor tiling system is starting to detach, this means that the tile grouting is already wearing off. The rooms that usually need this done the most are bathrooms and kitchens because they are two of the most used rooms in the house. They are also the first rooms that a potential home buyer might walk into. Carpet flooring in high traffic areas should actually be replaced every ten years! Having good flooring adds value to your home. If the paint on your interior walls looks dingy or starts to chip, then it’s time to get your home’s walls repainted. If you’re searching for the best home remodeling services in Delaware County, look no further than Carranza Roofing & Remodeling.


Roof Leaking and Weathered Exterior 

The next sign is that your roof is leaking, which of course means you need to get your roof looked at and remodeled or renovated. Your roof leaking means a couple of things; if it’s a newer roof then the roof installer that you hired didn’t do a good job, or your roof is already old. A good roof is important because if your roof is damaged, the inside of your home could become damaged from the roof leaking. It also can be unsafe during storms. It’s very important to get a new and safe roof from a reliable roofing company. A new roof is also significant to potential home buyers. No one wants to buy a home with a roof that is falling apart! Getting a new and updated roof adds value to your home. A home that has vinyl siding or paint chipping means that you should have it repainted or fix the exterior of your home.


Termites or Your Home Feels Outdated

Termites are annoying and if they invade your home then it might mean that the materials in your home are already deteriorating. Pests are attracted to unpleasant or dirty spots. If your home feels like it’s outdated and needs to be updated, then that’s a sign to renovate! If you don’t like the look of your home anymore, then there are only benefits to getting a renovation to freshen up your home. If the desire is there then you should explore it! You spend so much time in your home, it must be safe, but also look amazing and feel like home. As we covered, there are a ton of benefits to renovating your home. It’s nice to have a house that feels like it’s the perfect home for you. 


carranza roofing & remodeling company

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